NewsClub Sprouts Corner: Compost Sort & Corn Fritters

Posted Aug 18, 2021

Activity Overview

Composting is a great way to reduce your household waste while diverting waste from landfills. Between 30 and 50% of waste that ends up in landfills can actually be composted. However, city-living often means limited outdoor space. At Green City Market, we partner with Healthy Soil Compost to offer compost drop-off services at our markets. So, what exactly can you bring to the market for composting?

That's a great question! We'll be answering that by providing a fun sorting activity for kids this weekend at the Club Sprouts tent. Want a hint? If it was once alive, it can be composted! One of the advantages of composting at Green City Market is that Healthy Soil is a commercial composting service. So, many items that are not suitable for a backyard compost tumbler can be brought to our markets for composting!

Recipe & Question of the Week

This week's recipe for a corn fritter will highlight sweet summer corn. We don't know about you, but we anxiously await the arrival of corn every year! There's nothing quite like in-season corn on the cob. Despite the size of corn plants, they are relatively fast growers. As you shop for ingredients, visit one of these farmers at the market and ask, “How long does corn take to grow?”

Download the Recipe

Join Club Sprouts

Club Sprouts is geared towards kids ages 4-11 and joining free! Visit the Club Sprouts tent every Wednesday and Saturday at GCM Lincoln Park and every Saturday at GCM West Loop, or click here to get all the details for becoming an official member.  

How to Join Club Sprouts