We’re dedicated to lifting up farmers and food producers who are committed to environmental stewardship and the responsible treatment of animals. Green City Market is proud to be the first farmers' market in the country to require all of its farmers to be certified by a nationally-recognized third party agency. Every single Green City Market vendor is certified by at least one of the following organizations: American Grassfed Association, Animal Welfare Approved, Bloom Check, Certified Grass-Fed Organic Dairy, Certified Naturally Grown, Certified Humane Raised & Handled, Demeter, Grain Millers Certified, Food Alliance Certified, Michigan Agriculture Environmental Assurance Program, or AGW Certified Regenerative and USDA Certified Organic.
Browse current Green City Market vendors below, or learn more about how to become a vendor. Ready-to-Eat & Prepared Foods are evolving at Green City Market! Click here to learn more.
Looking for a specific vendor? Check out our calendar to see which of your favorite vendors will be present at our upcoming markets. Please note, vendors in attendance and available products are subject to change.
American Pride Microfarm
fresh-cut microgreens, wheatgrass juice, on-site knife sharpening
Arnold J. Klehm Growers
foliage plants, orchids, woody ornamentals, peonies
Avrom Farm
heirloom tomatoes, leafy greens, pasture-raised pork, pasture-raised chicken
Brian Severson Farms
meat and poultry, whole grains, wheat flours, popcorn, oats, buckwheat, cornmeal
Bushel & Peck's
fermented foods, pickles, pesto, hot sauces, jams, preserves
Chicago Honey Co-op
honey, beeswax candles, bath products
Ellis Family Farms
fruit, vegetables, jam, honey, cider, eggs, vinegar
Finn's Ranch
beef, pork, poultry, eggs
Flatwater Farms
Certified organic vegetables, fruits, and flowers
Froggy Meadow Farm
fruits, vegetables, specialty Alliums, French shallots
Garden Offerings & Petals Farm
cut flowers
Gayle V's Best Ever Grilled Cheese
grilled cheese sandwiches, soups
Green Eyed Lady Farm
Dried lavender and lavender products
Growing Home
vegetables, fruits, herbs
goat and cow milk cheese
Jacobson Family Farms
vegetables, fruits, honey, hemp, microgreens, mushrooms
Jake's Country Meats
pork, chicken, beef, fish
Joe's Blues
blueberries (fresh, frozen, and dried), jams
Kaleido Greens
Locally grown microgreens
Kikwetu Kenya Coffee Company
locally-roasted, direct-trade coffee
Mint Creek Farm
pasture-raised beef, lamb, goat, chicken, turkey, boar, pork, eggs, honey
Nichols Farm & Orchard
vegetables, fruits, herbs, flowers
Noble Fat
bao (Asian steamed buns), lumpia (spring rolls), meat skewers
pHlour Bakery
artisan breads and pastries
Phoenix Bean Tofu
tofu, seasoned tofu, tofu salads
Prairie Wolf
dog treats
River Valley Ranch
mushrooms, sauces, tamales, soups
Seedling Farms
fruits, cider, smoothies
Smits Farm
fresh-cut and potted herbs, fruits, vegetables
Underground Meats
salami, smoked and cured meats